Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Header


I just uploaded new header for this blog. What do you think? I tried to make simple yet no cozy so what do you guys think?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Teaser for Kl Trains's trip

Majlis Kecemerlangan Sekolah

Salam. Update: Majlis Kecemerlangan Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Berembang yang telah diadakan pada bulan November yang lepas. Sedikit bingkisan gambar berdasarkan majlis tersebut.

Para guru sekolah bergambar beramai-ramai sejurus selepas berakhirnya majlis ini.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sports Day


Just want to share news update about this school. We were just having Sport's Day which was held on 2nd and 3rd of November 2010 and today, the school is off. The principal and board of teachers has decided to give a holiday for students for their involving in this Sport's Day.

The pictures will be uploaded soon so stay tune in this blog.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Another words for...

Salam and Hello readers.

Its been ages since i wrote a post here. Many things and events are going in this school. In the next entry, i will upload pictures for those events that held in this school.So pals...stay tuned for the updates =)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

::Pertandingan Bercerita::

Beberapa minggu yang lepas, pihak Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Berembang telah mngadakan Pertandingan Bercerita bagi murid-murid tahap 1.Pelbagai jenis cerita telah dihidangkan kepada penonton yang terdiri daripada guru-guru dan murid-murid. Ada diantaranya cerita seperti cerita Cinderella, Snow White, Putera Katak dan pelbagai lagi cerita ala 'fairy tale'. Pelbagai ragam murid-murid sekolah dapat dilihat pada hari tersebut. Di bawah adalah serba sedikit gambar rentetan dari pertandingan itu.

Penuh bersemangat untuk bercerita

Murid-murid yang kushyuk mendengar cerita

Murid-murid yang lain yang tidak dapat masuk ke dalam surau (pertandingan ini diadakan di surau sekolah)

Sesiapa yang membuat bising, bersiap sedia untuk dimarahi ;p

Sekian sahaja update terkini tentang peristiwa yang berlaku di sekolah ini.